Pecker, Penis, Willy - whatever you choose to call it, take big dick energy to a whole new level. These are hand carved peckers and are perfect to give a little giggle while also giving healing to the holder.
Howlite is known to be a great stone for reducing anxiety, tensions, stresses and angers. It is believed to be a gentle, soothing and calming stone for the energies around us.
Howlite is believed to be good at encouraging our emotional expression, defusing stress and/or anger.
This stone is known to calm an over active mind, aiding us to achieve deep and restful sleep. Howlite can access higher wisdoms while we sleep and bring it back into consciousness when waking.
This stone is amazing for those who worry or have an over active mind as it is believed to be a protector of our mental states, calming and soothing those thoughts and feelings.
Crystal Length: 2.5cm
Full Chain Length: 10cm